University of Nevada, Reno

    Nursing 101 Workshop for Prospective Transfer Students

    Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 12:00 PM until 1:00 PMPacific Standard Time UTC -08:00

    NURS 101 Workshop Agenda

    This Nursing 101 workshop is only for prospective transfer students. 
    • Incoming freshmen; must attend summer orientation
    • Prospective freshmen; attend a Nevada Bound event
    • Students who have already earned a bachelor's degree; please contact
    If you are a freshman, current student, or a student who already has their bachelor's degree - you will not be able to register. 

    What does the NURS 101 Advising Workshop Cover?
    1. Nursing pre-requisite coursework required for admissions for the Orvis School of Nursing BSN Program
    2. Pre-nursing academic policies
    3. Eligibility to apply to the Orvis School of Nursing BSN Program
    4. Admission process and criteria for the BSN Program
    5. Learning how to be a competitive applicant

    Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.